aa south saskatchewan virtual intergroup ” ONE DAY AT A TIME “ 24/7 Phone info lines “I am Responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.And for that: I am responsible.” AA meetings in SaskatchewanclickhereAASASK.ORG AA meetings worldwideonline & in-personCLICK HEREAA.ORG Add the Meeting Guide App to your smartphone CLICK chair below Attend Meetings Online ?Get ZOOM NOWclick here area 91 assembly, saskatchewan Regina Central office and intergroup Saskatoon Central office and intergroup North battleford Saskatchewan District 09 ACCess AA General Service officenew york India AA Website Access Philippines AA Website Access Edmonton intergroup AA Manitoba central office and intergroup. Area 80 Vancouver B.c., Central office and Intergroup Ottawa, ontario Area intergroup Calgary, Alberta AA Meetings AA area(s) Website finder - Canada & US